Year 6 – Purple 2024 - 2025

Mr O’Flanagan

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Welcome to Purple Class

Our class teacher for the academic year is Mr. O’Flanagan.

Our Teaching Assistant is Ms Debbie Warren.

In Purple Class, we cover many exciting topics to enhance children’s knowledge and understanding in-line with The National Curriculum 2014.  British Values also underpin our curriculum.

Topic Titles:

These are the five topics we will be doing over the next academic year. Each topic will last a half term, apart from our last topic which will last the whole Summer term. They will also be cross curricular with other subjects.

1. What if Great Britain Had Never Been Invaded? (History)

Core Texts: ‘The British’ by Benjamin Zephaniah, ‘Wonder’ by R. J. Palacio, ‘Reggae Head’ by Benjamin Zephaniah, ‘I Am Not A Label’ by Cerrie Burnell, ‘Little People, Big Dreams – Dolly Parton’ by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara and Daria Solak and ‘Little People, Big Dreams – Ada Lovelace’ by Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara and Zafouko Yamamoto.

This is a History based topic. We will be revisiting the timeline and events of The Romans to the Vikings to support our chronological understanding

Click here for Knowledge Organiser.

Core English Texts:

Dove Selfie Self Esteem campaign launches with moving video

Dove advert –

Make up in reverse

Poem Analysis - 'The British' by Benjamin Zephaniah | Teaching Resources Benjamin Zephaniah - Body Talk | LetsLoop Wonder: Palacio, R J: 9788809058347: Books I Am Not a Label: 34 disabled artists, thinkers, athletes and activists  from past and present (Paperback)

Dolly Parton: My First Dolly Parton (28) (Little People, BIG DREAMS) :  Sanchez Vegara, Maria Isabel, Solak, Daria: Books

Ada Lovelace (10) (Little People, BIG DREAMS) : Sanchez Vegara, Maria  Isabel, Yamamoto, Zafouko: Books

2. Why was the Islamic Civilization around AD900 known as ‘The Golden Age’? (History)

Core Texts: ‘Short! A Book For Very Short Stories’ by Kevin Crossley-Holland, ‘Short and Scary!’ by Louise Cooper, ‘How To Survive A Garden Gnome Attack’ by Chuck Sambuchino and ‘The Day Crayons Quit’ by Drew Deywalt.

This is a History based topic. We will be learning about the Islamic Golden Age which was a period of cultural, economic, and scientific flourishing in the history of Islam, traditionally dated from the 8th century to the 14th century.

Click here for Knowledge Organiser.

Core English Texts:

SHORT! A Book of Very Short Stories: Crossley-Holland, Kevin:  9780192781482: Books Short And Scary! : Cooper, Louise: Books Alma (2009): A Review – The Short Film Channel How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack: Defend Yourself When the Lawn  Warriors Strike (And They Will): Sambuchino, Chuck:  9781580084635: ...

Viewers complain about 'frightening' Ikea gnomes advert | The Independent |  The Independent

IKEA Gnome Advert


Christmas Decorations | Seasons Christmas OutletChristmas decoration images


The Day The Crayons Quit: Daywalt, Drew, Jeffers, Oliver:  9780008167820: Books


3. Would Ernest Shackleton plan differently if he had to explore The Sahara Desert? (Geography)

Core Texts: ‘Real Life Disasters’ by Susan Martineau, ‘Shackleton’s Journey’ by William Grill, ‘The Polar Bear Explorers Club’ by Alex Bell, ‘Snow and Snow’ by Ted Hughes and ‘The More It Snows’ by A.A Milne.

This is a Geography based topic. We will be learning about Ernest Shackleton and his expeditions and all the geological feature of his destinations.

Click here for Knowledge Organiser.

Core English Texts:

Shackleton Probably Never Took Out an Ad Seeking Men for a Hazardous  Journey | Smithsonian Real-life Disasters: Investigate what really happened! (Real Life): 1: Susan Martineau, Vicky Barker: 9781912909278: Books Shackleton: The Greatest Story of Survival (2023) - IMDb Shackleton's Journey: 1 : William Grill: Books The Polar Bear Explorers' Club: Alex Bell: 1 (The Explorers' Clubs) : Bell,  Alex, Tomic, Tomislav: Books Snow and Snow' by Ted Hughes. - YouTube A.A.Milne on X: "The more it SNOWS-tiddely-pom The more it GOES-tiddely-pom The  more it GOES-tiddely-pom On Snowing. And nobody KNOWS-tiddely-pom, How cold  my TOES-tiddely-pom How cold my TOES-tiddely-pom Are Growing (by Winnie-the-Pooh)  ~


4. How Has Crime and Punishment Changed Over The Years? (History)

Core Texts: ‘Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story)’ by Andrew Matthews, ‘How To Cook Children’ by Martin Howard, ‘Inside The Villains’ by Clotilde Perrin, ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes and ‘LinkyThinks Descriptionary Humanoids’ by Alexander Rosenberg.

This is a History based topic. We will be learning about how crime and punishment has evolved over the past 1000 years.

Click here for Knowledge Organiser.

Core English Texts:

Macbeth (A Shakespeare Story): Andrew Matthews, William  Shakespeare, Tony Ross: 8601200716023: Books How to Cook Children: Howard, Martin, Stimson, Colin:  9781843651796: Books Inside the Villains : Clotilde Perrin, Clotilde Perrin: Books The Highwayman by Noyes, Alfred (2013) Paperback: Alfred  Noyes: 8601404423772: Books LinkyThinks Descriptionary - 'Humanoids' (ages 9-13) by Alexander Rosenberg  | Waterstones


5 & 6. How do the cities that Michael travels to compare with Nagasaki? (Geography)

Core Texts: ‘Scarlett’ (Internet story), ‘Pigeon Impossible’ (Internet story), ‘Dream Giver’ (Internet story), ‘The Lantern’ (Internet story) and ‘Hansel and Gretel’ by Anthony Browne.

This is a Geography based topic. We will be learning about Michael Morpurgo’s trip around the world aboard the Peggy Sue.

Click here for Knowledge Organiser.

Core English Texts:

Hansel and Gretel : Browne, Anthony: Books Untitled(1).png Stream DreamGiver 2019 Remaster by LanceMontgomery | Listen online for free  on SoundCloud Pigeon: Impossible (short film) - Caution Spoilers Untitled1.png



For a more detailed view of our curriculum areas, please visit the Curriculum Tab on our website.


Purple Class will have their PE lessons on Fridays.  It is essential that children have the correct PE kit in school.

Indoor sessions:

  • Black shorts
  • Red polo shirt
  • Black pumps

Outdoor sessions

  • Black shorts or dark tracksuit bottoms (winter)
  • Red polo shirt
  • Trainers
  • Sweater (winter)

Children must ensure if they are wearing small studded earrings then these are removed for PE lessons.

The Learning Line:

The Learning Line helps us the children to evaluate their own progress in lessons. Our line is related to one of our class texts, ‘Wonder’ by R. J. Palacio. We use this design of our learning line in all areas of the curriculum.


Our Golden Promises:

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Our Prayers:

Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 15.45.04.png


Homework will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned to school the following Wednesday. Homework will include: English, Maths, Spellings and Times Tables.

Links for home learning

Letter-Join - Home Learning School

Letter Join

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play

Timetable Rockstars

Purple Mash - AWE Club

Purple Mash


If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Mr. O’Flanagan, Mr Kent and Miss Warren

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