Year 2 – Blue Class





Welcome to Our Class

Our class teacher for the 2024/25 academic year is Mrs Snape.  Our teaching assistant is Mr Martin.

In Blue Class, we cover many exciting topics to enhance children’s knowledge and understanding in-line with The National Curriculum 2014.  British Values also underpin our curriculum.

Our key topic areas this year are:

Which plants  and animals would I see in  the local woods?

Core Texts:

This is a Science topic based on plants and animals.  We will learn how to observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants and how a habitat provides the basic needs of things living there and how they are suited to their habitat.

Click here for Which plants and animals would Little Evie see in the wild woods Knowledge Organiser

What was The Titanic and why was it so important?

Core Texts:

This is a History based topic.  We will be learning about events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally.

Click here for What was The Titanic and why was it so important Knowledge Organiser

What was so important about Neil Armstrong’s and Christopher Columbus’ journeys?

Core Texts:

The Man on the Moon – a Day in the Life of Bob, Space Poems, The Story of Neil Armstrong and Counting on Katherine.

This is a History based topic.  We will learn about the lives of significant individuals in Britain’s past who have contributed to our nation’s achievements.

Click here for What was so important about Neil Armstrong’s and Christopher Columbus’ journeys Knowledge Organiser

What is our school made of?

Core Text:

This is a Science topic based on the uses of everyday materials.  We will identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials.  We will also look at the history of our school and how the local area has changed since the school was built.

Click here for What is our school made of Knowledge Organiser

Why do we love to be beside the seaside?   

Core Texts:

This is a geography based topic.  We will identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and identify the human and physical features of a small area of the United Kingdom.

Click here for Why do we love to be beside the Seaside Knowledge Organiser

Would you rather live in Kenya or the UK?   

Core Texts:

This is a Geography based topic.  We will be learning about the geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a contrasting non-European country.

Click here for Would you rather live in Kenya or the UK Knowledge Organiser


For a more detailed view of our curriculum areas, please visit the Curriculum Tab on our website.


Blue Class will have their PE lessons on a Friday morning.  It is essential that children have the correct PE kit in school. Earrings also have to be removed for PE lessons.


Indoor sessions:

  • Black shorts
  • Red t-shirt
  • Black pumps

Homework: Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned to school by the following Thursday. Children are encouraged to read and change their reading book at least once a week

Our Learning Line

The Learning Line helps the children to evaluate their own progress in lessons. Our line shows the  journey of  The Minions, the children helped to design our learning line and use it in all areas of the curriculum. It follows the process of: Plan, Understand, Passion, Act, Evaluate, Embed.

Our Golden Promises:


Our Prayers:




More detailed information about class activities will be shared with parents on our half-termly class newsletters.


If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.


Mrs Snape & Mr Martin