Lime Class – Year 3/4





Welcome to Lime Class

Our class teachers for this academic year are:

Mrs Harris & Miss Cartwright










Our teaching assistant is: Mrs Wiseman

In Lime Class, we cover many exciting topics to enhance children’s knowledge and understanding in-line with The National Curriculum.  British Values also underpin our curriculum.

Our key topic areas this year are:

Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them?
Core Texts:
Roman Soldier’s Handbook – An Osborne Official
The Romans in Britain – Horrible Histories






This is a History based topic.  We will be learning about the Roman empire and its impact on Britain.
Click here for The Romans Knowledge Organiser

Is the dark anything to be really afraid of?
Core Texts:
Orion and The Dark – Emma Yarlett
Sulwe – Lupita Nyong’0





This is a Science and Art based topic where the children will use the Text ‘Orion and The Dark’.  They will learn all about light and dark.
Click here for the Light and Electricity Knowledge Organiser

Who were the founding fathers of our school and how is their vision still alive today?
Core Texts:
A Child’s Garden of Hope – Michael Forman
The Tin Forest – Helen Ward






This is a History based topic.  During this topic we will be carrying out a study of our local history. We will be finding out about the history of our school and learning all about the founding fathers.
Click here for the Founding Fathers Knowledge Organiser

Why are some mountains more active than others?
Core Texts:
The Abominables – Eva Ibbotson
Escape from Pompeii – Christina Ballit (Y4)






This is a Geography based topic.  During this topic the children will be learning about human and physical geography, they will be gaining valuable fieldwork skills and finding out where the world’s mountainous areas are.  We will also be learning about volcanoes.
Click here for the Mountains Knowledge Organiser

Would I Like to Live in Hamelin Town?
Core Texts:
The Pied Piper of Hamelin – Michael Morpurgo & Emma Chichester Clark
The Pied Piper of Hamelin – poem by Robert Browning






This is a Geography based topic.  The children will be learning to name and locate counties and cities in UK, we will then be learning to find similarities and differences between our country and Europe. We will also be developing our fieldwork skills and planning a German experience!
Click here for the Hamelin Knowledge Organiser

Who were the early lawmakers? 
Core Texts:

Fantastic Mr Fox – By Roald Dahl

Macavity: The Mystery Cat – By T. S, Eliot






This is a History based topic. This topic is a study of an aspect or theme in British history beyond 1066, we will be focusing on crime and punishment.  In particular, we will be learning about the Magna Carta and its role in early law making.
Click here for the Magna Carta Knowledge Organiser

More detail about our curriculum can be found class half termly newsletter or under the Key Information section of school website under ‘Our Curriculum’.


Lime Class will have their PE lessons on Wednesday .  It is essential that children have the correct PE kit in school.


Indoor sessions:

  • Black shorts
  • Red polo shirt
  • Black pumps

Outdoor sessions:

  • Black shorts or dark tracksuit bottoms (winter)
  • Red polo shirt
  • Trainers (not fashionable)
  • Sweater (winter)

Our Learning Line

The Learning Line helps us the children to evaluate their own progress in lessons. Our line shows the  journey of becoming a Roman soldier, the children helped to design our learning line and use it in all areas of the curriculum.

Our Golden Promises



Homework will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned to school the following Wednesday.  Homework will include: Times tables, Spellings, Handwriting, a knowledge organiser task and a reading book.

Spellings will be sent out at the start of every half term with our class Newsletter. The children will also bring home a copy of the Year 3/4 National Curriculum spellings with their personal targets. This will be updated throughout the year.

Your child will  have a reading book which needs to be returned each Wednesday so that it can be changed.

Do you have a child in year 4?

Please click on this link for further information 2023_Information_for_parents_Multiplication_tables_check_Nov_22_PDFA

If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Mrs Harris & Miss Cartwright