Year 4/5 – Lilac





Welcome to Lilac Class!

Our class teacher for this academic year is Mrs Bennett.

Our teaching assistant is Mrs Yaw.

In Lilac Class, we cover many exciting topics to enhance children’s knowledge and understanding in-line with The National Curriculum 2014.  British Values also underpin our curriculum.

Topic Titles:

These are the six topics we will be doing over the next academic year.  Each topic will last a half term and will also be cross curricular with other subjects.

Autumn 1 – What makes the world grumble and shake? (Geography) 

Core English Texts:


In this topic we will study Earthquakes and will develop our locational knowledge skills by developing our knowledge of where earthquakes occur. During the topic we will consider physical geography as we look into how places are affected by earthquakes. In this topic we will also build on our map skills.  In English we will be using a range of texts including The Lost Happy Endings, You Choose Fairytales, Real-life Disasters and Extreme Earth.

Click here for Earthquakes Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2 – Why should gunpowder, treason and plot never be forgotten? (History)

Core Texts:


During this topic, our key text will be ‘The Gunpowder Plot: A Time for Treason’ where our curriculum focus will be on an aspect or theme in British History beyond 1066. Within this topic, we will look into treason and what it is, we will also consider how Britain has changed over time.

Click here for Gunpowder Plot Knowledge Organiser

Spring 1 – Were the Anglo-Saxons really smashing compared to the Scots? (History) 

Core Texts:


Within the topic we will look at the lifestyles led by Anglo-Saxons as well as how their lives were different. One main idea we will be exploring is the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor. This will continue throughout our topic as we understand the Religion, History and developments.

Click here for Anglo Saxons Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2 – How can we re-discover Ancient Egypt? (History)

Core Texts:


During this topic, our curriculum will be linked to a study of Egyptian life and achievements and their influence on the western world. Within this we will consider changes that have developed as well as opportunities that have arisen since the Ancient Egyptian era.

Click here for Ancient Egypt Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 – Is North America just the USA? (Geography)

Core Texts:


This topic will focus on North America and it will develop our skills in Locational Knowledge, Place Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography and Geographical Skills and Fieldwork. We will also use North America to compare local regions.

Click here for North America Knowledge Organiser

Summer 2 – Why is London the Capital City? (Geography)

Core Texts:


We will finish the school year with our key text of The Nowhere Emporium. This topic allows us to study the United Kingdom in depth, including physical and human features in the United Kingdom.

Click here for London Knowledge Organiser


For a more detailed view of our curriculum areas, please visit the Curriculum Tab on our website.



It is essential that children have the correct PE kit in school.  PE for Year 4 will be every Wednesday afternoon and swimming for Year 5 will be every Wednesday afternoon.


Indoor sessions:

  • Black shorts
  • Red polo shirt
  • Black pumps

Outdoor sessions

  • Black shorts or dark tracksuit bottoms (winter)
  • Red polo shirt
  • Trainers (not fashionable)
  • Sweater (winter)

Children must ensure if they are wearing small studded earrings then these are removed for PE lessons.

Year 5 will be Swimming for the full year, they should ensure they have their kits in school for Wednesday:

Trunks or swim shorts (shorts must be lined and no longer than mid-thigh)

1 piece costume (close fitting leotards and footless tights may also be worn where normal swimwear is not appropriate for religious/ cultural reasons).

The Learning Line 

The Learning Line helps the children to evaluate their own progress in lessons. Our line links to our class text “The Lost Happy Endings by Carol Ann Duffy & Jane Ray”  and the children use it in all areas of the curriculum.
















Our Golden Promises:


Our Prayers:


Homework  will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned to school the following Wednesday.  Homework will include: handwriting, spellings, a times tables/ arithmetic activity and a banded reading book.

If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Do you have a child in year 4?

Please click on this link for further information: Multiplication Check